Dear Fellow members, Distinguished guests,

Good morning.

Today I am glad to host the table topics session, and I want you to be the Master.

Today I am going to invite you come to stage one by one, and ask you a question.

You should give your answer using a story, better your own experience. Your speech should be at least 1 minute long but on longer than 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Please pay attention to our timer’s signal card. As the Grammarian already provided a word of today, please use it as much as you can.

We already said goodbye to the lunar new year. Everything is back to routine. Do you still worry about uncertainty? Do you have some expectation in this new year? My questions will be all about expectation.

Here comes the first master.

Q1: (member) You know next week, there will be a speech contest in our club. What’s your expectation? Tell a story.

Q2: You are invited to a birthday party of your colleague. What do you expect?

Q3: You have got a dream job offer. What do you expect on your first day in the office.

Q4: (student) You took an important examination. It was hard. What’s your expectation?

Q5: Your ex-girl/boyfriend called you, but you missed it. What do you expect?

Q6: (guest) You joined Yu-Life Toastmasters club. What do you expect?

Q7: You lost your ID at the airport, and your flight in boarding. What do you expect?

Q8: You learned that there will another wave of pandemic. What do you expect?

Q9: You are going to travel to the moon. What’s your expectation?

Q10: (last) You have heard so many fantastic stories. What do you expect from me?

I have a lot of fun watching your impromptu speeches. Your expectation shows that you all have love. You all want to share your hope. Hope is what makes your stories great.

Keep practicing. I am expect you to be the masters of story-tellers.

Thank you. Back to TMD.