Above all, I would like to thank the present club officers: VPE - Justus VPM - weili VPPR - Peter Secretary - Justus Treasurer - Julie SAA - Wing

Without you, the term would not start, let alone finish. Let’s give them a big round of applaud.

Now congratulations, new club officers! President - Wuzhong VPE - Justus VPM - Peter VPPR - Shannon Secretary - wxie Treasurer - Julie SAA - Wing

VPE assistant - Coco/Emma VPM assistant - Grace VPPR assistant - Winnie

You’re in good company. With more than 15,800 clubs worldwide and seven officer positions for each club, that’s potentially 110,600 leaders! Maybe you’re like I was, a bit intimidated, especially if you are a first-time officer. Relax! You still have Lao-xie at the disposal, and my help is always available.

Speak to the SAA:

Will you, as SAA, accept this challenge and perform your duties to the best of your abilities?”

The incoming Club SAA responds, “I will.”

Then move to treasurer - secretary - VPPR -VPM -VPE - President.

Here are my Advice for All Club Officers

The seven nominated club officer positions are president, vice president education, vice president membership, vice president public relations, sergeant at arms, treasurer and secretary. The responsibilities for each role are specific, though they may over-lap or require cooperation between two or more officers. To make the term successful, consider these suggestions.

  1. Attend club officer training

This training is developed by Toastmasters International and conducted by our district leaders.

  1. Do some self-training

Read the Club Leadership Handbook. Explore www.toastmasters.org for the resources.

  1. Seek mentoring from former officers

Ideally, meet with your immediate predecessor, to make a smooth transition.

  1. Just do it

In Toastmasters you “learn by doing.” Don’t fear making a mistake. Most mistakes can be corrected. Take your role seriously enough to commit to it but lightly enough to allow yourself some slack if something goes wrong.

  1. Resist doing another officer’s job

While some roles overlap, clearly define where your responsibilities end and where another officer’s begins. This is the hard part, bu please communicate, coordinate and delegate.

  1. Attend club officer meetings

Even if you think your role is quiet or not visible, the other officers should know the status of your efforts.

  1. Enlist an assistant or team

When the workload increases or if you will be unavailable to perform your duties. The benefit? You train a successor in the process!

Seven pieces of advice for seven new club officers. I hope this is not too much. Now let welcome our new president, the Chief Executive Officer of the club, Wu Zhong who is responsible for the club’s overall operation, to give his address.

Welcome President Wu Zhong.