-- mode:org; coding: utf-8 --

#+TITLE: task for GNU make #+AUTHOR: Wensheng Xie #+EMAIL: wxie@member.fsf.org #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} _:{} *:t TeX:t LaTeX:t #+STYLE: #+LATEX_CLASS: myclass #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper] #+ATTR_LATEX: width=0.38\textwidth wrap placement={r}{0.4\textwidth} #+ATTR_LATEX: :float multicolumn #+REVEAL_TRANS: None #+REVEAL_THEME: Black #+TAGS: @work(w) @home(h) @road(r) laptop(l) pc(p) { @read : @read_book @read_ebook } #+ATTR_ORG: :width 30 #+ATTR_HTML: width=”100px” #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: export #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport #+STARTUP: fold

  • tasks for GNU make ** [2020] * [2020-05] ** [2020-05-28 四] ***** DONE test new release 2.1.3 [3/3] DEADLINE: <2020-05-28 四>
  • add ‘ls’ test for SparkStudio
  • upgrade local SparkStudio version
  • update sparksource.stdout to 2.1.3 * [2020-06] ** [2020-06-01 一] ***** DONE GNU make format: Makefile CLOSED: [2020-06-01 一 11:01] #+BEGIN_SRC makefile


    target (file to be created): prerequisities (file depended)

    commands must use TAB not spaces

    continue-command1; command2; #+END_SRC ***** DONE define variables in Makefile CLOSED: [2020-06-01 一 11:05] #+BEGIN_SRC makefile VAR=–abc –help –verbose

target1: need-file1 command1 $(VAR) command2 ${VAR} #+END_SRC *** DONE automatic variable in Makefile CLOSED: [2020-06-01 一 11:07] $@ the file name of the target $< the name of the first prerequisite (i.e., dependency) $^ the names of all prerequisites (i.e., dependencies) $(@D) the directory part of the target $(@F) the file part of the target $(<D) the directory part of the first prerequisite (i.e., dependency) $(<F) the file part of the first prerequisite (i.e., dependency) *** DONE Pattern rules CLOSED: [2020-06-01 一 11:10] #+BEGIN_SRC makefile

use the symbol % as a wildcard, to be expanded to any string of text


Figs/%.pdf: R/%.R cd $(<D);R CMD BATCH $(R_OPTS) $(<F) #+END_SRC * [2020-07] ** [2020-07-02 四] ***** DONE list all targets on a Makefile [4/4] CLOSED: [2020-07-02 四 21:10] - CLOSING NOTE [2020-07-02 四 21:10]
try it for sparksource

  • read the original page [[https://diamantidis.github.io/tips/2020/07/01/list-makefile-targets][all targets]]
  • default make target #+BEGIN_SRC makefile

    the default target of make is all

    so when is do make, it runs make all

    change it to help

    .DEFAULT_GOAL := help .PHONY: help

help: @grep -E ‘^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.?## .$$’ $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
| sed -n ‘s/^(.): (.)##(.*)/\1\3/p’
| column -t -s ‘ ‘ #+END_SRC

  • add comment for each target as #+BEGIN_SRC makefile install: ## Install @echo “Installing…”

run: ## Run @echo “Running…” #+END_SRC

  • the final result is #+BEGIN_SRC shell make #output:

    install Install

    run Run
