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#+TITLE: task for http monitor #+AUTHOR: Wensheng Xie #+EMAIL: wxie@member.fsf.org #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} _:{} *:t TeX:t LaTeX:t #+STYLE: #+LATEX_CLASS: article #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper] #+ATTR_LATEX: width=0.38\textwidth wrap placement={r}{0.4\textwidth} #+ATTR_LATEX: :float multicolumn #+REVEAL_TRANS: None #+REVEAL_THEME: Black #+TAGS: @work(w) @home(h) @road(r) laptop(l) pc(p) { @read : @read_book @read_ebook } #+ATTR_ORG: :width 30 #+ATTR_HTML: width=”100px” #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: export #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport #+STARTUP: fold

  • tasks for http monitor using bash ** [2020] * [2020-12] ** [2020-12-28 一] ***** read [[https://raymii.org/s/software/Bash_HTTP_Monitoring_Dashboard.html][Bash HTTP Monitor Dashboard]] [4/4]
  • The first part between the square brackets is the name, the second part between the quotes is the URL you want to monitor. It can be just a domain, an IP or an actual URL, including port and such. ~urls[gists]=”https://gist.github.com”~
  • the default status code for a check, this is the syntax. The first part between the square brackets must match the urls[] part. ~statuscode[gist.github.com]=302~
  • Execute the script and send the output to a file in your webservers documentroot: ~bash srvmon.sh > /var/www/index.html~
  • set up a cronjob ~* * * * * /bin/bash /opt/srvmon/srvmon.sh > /var/www/index.html.tmp && /bin/mv /var/www/index.html.tmp /var/www/index.html~ ***** another example with curl #+BEGIN_SRC shell alias hstat=”curl -o /dev/null –silent –head –write-out ‘%{http_code}\n’” $1


    hstat www.google.com

    output is


    #+END_SRC *** another example with curl #+BEGIN_SRC shell curl -s -w ‘Testing Website Response Time for :%{url_effective}\n\nLookup Time:\t\t%{time_namelookup}\nConnect Time:\t\t%{time_connect}\nAppCon Time:\t\t%{time_appconnect}\nRedirect Time:\t\t%{time_redirect}\nPre-transfer Time:\t%{time_pretransfer}\nStart-transfer Time:\t%{time_starttransfer}\n\nTotal Time:\t\t%{time_total}\n’ -o /dev/null https://google.com #+END_SRC *** example with bash only #+BEGIN_SRC shell hstat(){ exec 3<>/dev/tcp/$1/80; echo -e “GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nhost: http://$1\r\nconnection: close\r\n\r\n” >&3; sed -n ‘1s/^HTTP\/1.[01] //;s/ .//;p’ <&3;} #+END_SRC **** exampel with busybox only #+BEGIN_SRC shell hstat(){ echo -e “GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nhost: http://$1\r\nconnection: close\r\n\r\n” \ |busybox nc $1 80|busybox sed “1s/^HTTP\/1.[10] //;s/ .*//;q”;} #+END_SRC