-- mode:org; coding: utf-8 --

#+TITLE: task for sparksource #+AUTHOR: Wensheng Xie #+EMAIL: wxie@member.fsf.org #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} _:{} *:t TeX:t LaTeX:t #+STYLE: #+LATEX_CLASS: myclass #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper] #+ATTR_LATEX: width=0.38\textwidth wrap placement={r}{0.4\textwidth} #+ATTR_LATEX: :float multicolumn #+REVEAL_TRANS: None #+REVEAL_THEME: Black #+TAGS: @work(w) @home(h) @road(r) laptop(l) pc(p) { @read : @read_book @read_ebook } #+ATTR_ORG: :width 30 #+ATTR_HTML: width=”100px” #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: export #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport #+STARTUP: fold

  • tasks for sparksource ** [2020] * [2020-05] ** [2020-05-28 四] ***** DONE test new release 2.1.3 [3/3] DEADLINE: <2020-05-28 四>
  • add ‘ls’ test for SparkStudio
  • upgrade local SparkStudio version
  • update sparksource.stdout to 2.1.3 * [2020-06] ** [2020-06-01 一] ***** DONE suggest demo for pad device CLOSED: [2020-06-01 一 15:25] DEADLINE: <2020-06-01 一>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-01 一 15:25]
      talk to Wang Feng about this. Maybe later. ***** DONE suggest current customers handling [5/5] CLOSED: [2020-06-01 一 13:57] DEADLINE: <2020-06-02 二>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-01 一 13:57]
  • 五菱 - 王丰
  • 长安 - 暂不管
  • 北汽 - 暂不管
  • 上汽 - 暂不管
  • 其他 - 谢文盛(Tier-1、其他车厂、其他行业) ***** DONE suggest ‘make install’ for GNU version CLOSED: [2020-06-01 一 16:12] DEADLINE: <2020-06-05 五>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-01 一 16:12]
      create a Makefile for install/uninstall in general ***** DONE install professional version CLOSED: [2020-06-01 一 15:26] DEADLINE: <2020-06-01 一>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-01 一 15:26]
      Get license file and installed. ***** DONE write an article about SpaceX software and hardware CLOSED: [2020-06-03 三 09:50] DEADLINE: <2020-06-03 三>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-03 三 09:50]
      published in wechat public account *** DONE prepare name card CLOSED: [2020-06-06 六 14:03] DEADLINE: <2020-06-02 二> *** CANCELLED prepare study version upload to popular site :CANCELLED: CLOSED: [2020-06-09 二 10:30] DEADLINE: <2020-06-05 五>
    • State “CANCELLED” from “TODO” [2020-06-09 二 10:30]
      There is no good to do this. ** [2020-06-03 三] *** DONE study .deb process CLOSED: [2020-06-04 四 16:25] DEADLINE: <2020-06-07 日>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-04 四 16:25]
      created a separated task file ** [2020-06-04 四] *** DONE make a .deb file for sparkstudio CLOSED: [2020-06-04 四 18:59] DEADLINE: <2020-06-07 日> ** [2020-06-05 五] *** DONE prepare an article for wechat account - free software in school CLOSED: [2020-08-04 二 22:15] DEADLINE: <2020-06-08 一>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-08-04 二 22:15]
      published ** [2020-06-06 六] *** DONE prepare an aticle for wechat account - sparksource VR and screenreader function CLOSED: [2020-07-15 三 10:07] DEADLINE: <2020-06-11 四>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-07-15 三 10:07]
      published article in wechat account ** [2020-06-08 一] *** DONE invite Mr. Jia Guangpu to office, and talk about cooperation CLOSED: [2020-06-08 一 14:09] DEADLINE: <2020-06-09 二>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-08 一 14:09]
      [2020-06-09 二] morning, talk ***** DONE prepare an articl for wechat account - SparkSource 价值何在 CLOSED: [2020-06-09 二 10:29] DEADLINE: <2020-06-08 一>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-09 二 10:29]
      published ** [2020-06-09 二] *** DONE prepare an article for Chinese IC vs Chinese football CLOSED: [2020-06-24 三 21:18] DEADLINE: <2020-06-20 六>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-24 三 21:18]
      The article is done. ***** DONE apply for an account for SparkSource in github CLOSED: [2020-06-09 二 16:37] DEADLINE: <2020-06-09 二>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-09 二 16:37]
      SparkSource-cn ***** DONE create a sample web page for SparkSource in github CLOSED: [2020-06-12 五 18:46] DEADLINE: <2020-06-20 六>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-12 五 18:46]
      https://sparksource-cn.github.io/web/ is on-line. ** [2020-06-12 五] *** DONE create a personal site [8/8] CLOSED: [2020-06-12 五 18:52]
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-12 五 18:52]
      just read through this.
  • The repository needs to be called username.github.io
  • The site sits in the master branch rather than the gh-pages branch.
  • Clone my kbroman.github.io repository
  • Remove the .git directory
  • Edit index.html, 404.html, README.md, and License.md
  • Use git init, git add, git commit
  • Create a new repository on GitHub named username.github.io
  • Go back to the command line and do git remote add and git push -u origin master #+BEGIN_SRC shell git remote add origin https://github.com/wxie2017/wxie2017.github.io.git git push -u origin master #+END_SRC ** [2020-06-21 日] *** DONE write an article for graphic and resource of Sparkstudio CLOSED: [2020-06-22 一 15:22] DEADLINE: <2020-06-23 二>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-22 一 15:22]
      graphic is done, resource for another article ** [2020-06-22 一] *** DONE write an article for resource management in Sparksouurce CLOSED: [2020-06-28 日 14:56] DEADLINE: <2020-06-26 五>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-06-28 日 14:56]
      add into release 2.2.2 * [2020-07] ** [2020-07-22 三] ***** DONE write an article for guix CLOSED: [2020-07-22 三 20:43] DEADLINE: <2020-07-22 三>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-07-22 三 20:43]
      finished: guix for reproducible computation ***** DONE write an article for sparksource CLOSED: [2020-08-04 二 22:15] DEADLINE: <2020-07-26 日>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-08-04 二 22:15]
      a new article for voice interface * [2020-08] ** [2020-08-19 三] ***** DONE write an artile of start animation product CLOSED: [2020-08-21 五 21:12] DEADLINE: <2020-08-22 六>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-08-21 五 21:12]
      published ***** DONE translate company ppt CLOSED: [2020-08-21 五 20:00] DEADLINE: <2020-08-22 六>
    • CLOSING NOTE [2020-08-21 五 20:00]
      finished product introduction translation.