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#+TITLE: task for test frame #+AUTHOR: Wensheng Xie #+EMAIL: wxie@member.fsf.org #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} _:{} *:t TeX:t LaTeX:t #+STYLE: #+LATEX_CLASS: myclass #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper] #+ATTR_LATEX: width=0.38\textwidth wrap placement={r}{0.4\textwidth} #+ATTR_LATEX: :float multicolumn #+REVEAL_TRANS: None #+REVEAL_THEME: Black #+TAGS: @work(w) @home(h) @road(r) laptop(l) pc(p) { @read : @read_book @read_ebook } #+ATTR_ORG: :width 30 #+ATTR_HTML: width=”100px” #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: export #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport #+STARTUP: fold

  • tasks for test framework using ‘make’ and ‘git diff’ ** [2020] * [2020-05] ** [2020-05-23 六] *** DONE read testframe website DEADLINE: <2020-05-23 六> [[https://chrismorgan.info/blog/make-and-git-diff-test-harness/][Using make and git diff for a simple and powerful test harness]] ** [2020-05-24 日] **** DONE go through the file Makefile [6/6] DEADLINE: <2020-05-24 日> #+BEGIN_SRC makefile rwildcard = $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2) $(filter $2,$d))

.PHONY: test test: $(patsubst %.test,%.stdout,$(call rwildcard,,%.test))

%.stdout: %.test ./$< > $@ 2> $(patsubst %.stdout,%.stderr,$@)
|| (touch –date=@0 $@; false) git diff –exit-code –src-prefix=expected/ –dst-prefix=actual/
$@ $(patsubst %.stdout,%.stderr,$@)
|| (touch –date=@0 $@; false) #+END_SRC

  • have GNU Make installed and are using Git
  • Paste the code above into a file called Makefile.
  • Create an executable file (mode +x) called [sparksource].test that contains the script of what you want to test.
  • Run make test (the test run will seem to succeed, since the expected output hasn’t been added to Git yet)
  • Review the contents of [sparksource].stdout and [sparksource].stderr which have just been created, that they match what you expected.
  • Run git add sparksource.test sparksource.stdout sparksource.stderr ***** DONE detailed explanation [5/5] DEADLINE: <2020-05-24 日>
  • ensuring that all of the tests will be run each time you run make test. mark all test as .PHONY #+BEGIN_SRC makefile .PHONY: test $(patsubst %.test,%.stdout,$(call rwildcard,,%.test)) #+END_SRC
  • if you just once want to run all the tests #+BEGIN_SRC shell make –always-make test #+END_SRC
  • If you want to run tests concurrently #+BEGIN_SRC shell make –jobs=8 test #+END_SRC
  • $(patsubst %.test,%.stdout,$(call rwildcard,,%.test)) “find all *.test files recursively ($(call rwildcard,,%.test)), then change each one’s ‘.test’ extension to ‘.stdout’ ($(patsubst %.test,%.stdout,…))”.
  • %.stdout: %.test ./$< > $@ 2> $(patsubst %.stdout,%.stderr,$@)
    || (touch –date=@0 $@; false) git diff –exit-code –src-prefix=expected/ –dst-prefix=actual/
    $@ $(patsubst %.stdout,%.stderr,$@)
    || (touch –date=@0 $@; false) This rule says “any file with extension ‘.stdout’ can be created based upon the file with the same base name but the extension ‘.test’, by running these two commands”.

    $@ expands to the name of the target, which we’ll call sparksource.stdout. $< expands to the name of the first prerequisite, which in this case will be sparksource.test.

    Run ./sparksource.test, piping stdout to sparksource.stdout and stderr to sparksource.stderr. If that fails: zero sparksource.stdout’s mtimeThat is. Run git diff in such a way as to print any unstaged changes to those files. If there were any unstaged changes to those files, then zero foo.stdout’s mtime.